
Infiniti 14kw built-in double sided

Infinity 13kw built in single sided

Infiniti 14kw built-in Woodburning double sided Fireplace

Infiniti’s wood stoves are available as inserts. Using the same tried and trusted fireboxes as the freestanding units, these models are designed to be built into brickwork to give you that swisher look. They are manufactured with a built-in convection system.

H x W x D: 630 x 750 x 616

Output: 13 kW

Heating capacity (m³): 520 m³

Colour: Black

Optional item(s) Clear or black border glass

Dimensions N/A
Type Slow Combustion Wood Stove
Option Double Sided Insert
Model 14Kw Double Sided Insert, 18Kw Double Sided Insert
kW Output 14, 18

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